
Chapter Twelve

CHAPTER TWELVE   Cassius paced back and forth in the Court Room, mumbling to himself. Hearing footsteps, he turned to see Sirion, Captain of the army, entering from the far end of the hall. Walking up to Cassius, Sirion knelt as he would to the king.             ‘I have heard the news, My Lord,’ said Sirion as he stood. ‘How would you have me serve my kingdom?’             ‘I fear the king’s passing is not the only tragedy to befall us,’ said Cassius. ‘I recently discovered a plot to overthrow the crown, led by one of the king’s own knights. He was sentenced to the mines, but it would seem he was able to influence and manipulate the Princess and she has fled with the signet ring to join him.’             ‘This is grave news indeed,’ said Sirion. ‘Is it possible that the king did not die of natural causes?’             ‘I suspect that there may have been foul play,’ said Cassius grimly. ‘Furthermore, the traitor was very close friends with a half elf who was also convicted of treason. I

Chapter Eleven

CHAPTER ELEVEN   The young soldier, Dristan, escorted Alina down a long hallway to a large dining hall where a group of soldiers sat, conversing among themselves. One of the men jumped up as Alina entered.             ‘Princess Alina!’ he cried, rushing over to her.             ‘Princess?’ asked Dristan in amazement.             ‘Captain Corinian,’ said Alina. ‘It has been a long time.’             ‘What brings you to this place?’ asked Corinian.             ‘I came to retrieve a friend who was falsely accused, but it would seem the timing is poor. I understand you are under siege.’             ‘For a week now,’ said Corinian, forlornly. ‘They are demanding we surrender the mines and are not letting anyone in or out.’             ‘I must find Liam,’ said Alina. ‘He is the knight who last arrived.’             Corinian looked at Dristan. ‘Can you find him?’ he asked.             ‘Yes, Captain,’ Dristan replied, then hurried off.             Corinian turned back to Alina. ‘We were inform

Chapter Ten

CHAPTER TEN   Around the time that Alina was leaving her room, Cassius was walking down the hall toward the king’s chamber, the ink still wet on his latest sentence. A guard was standing outside and as Cassius arrived at the door, the guard held up a hand, nervously.             ‘Lord Cassius, I fear I have strict orders not to let anyone enter the king’s chamber.’             Cassius stared at him, confused. ‘By whose order?’ he demanded.             ‘By the Princess Alina,’ said the guard.             ‘The Princess has no such authority,’ Cassius balked. ‘Open this door immediately.’             ‘I am sorry, My Lord,’ the guard said. ‘I was given specific orders-‘             ‘And as the King’s Advisor, I am nullifying those orders,’ said Cassius, getting angry. ‘Now, step aside or you will face the consequences.’             The guard stepped to one side and Cassius thrust open the door and walked into the king’s chamber.               As soon as he entered, Cassius saw Andrian’s bo

Chapter Nine

CHAPTER NINE   The following morning, Alina spent several hours trying to find Liam. After sending a message to his barracks, she had waited restlessly for his reply, eager to tell him of Cassius’ proposal. She was not prepared for the response.               Alina walked furiously down the hall toward Cassius’ study. A different guard stood outside the door, and bowed as she approached.             ‘Is Cassius in there?’ she asked the guard.             ‘Yes, Princess,’ he replied.             ‘Open it,’ she said firmly, and the guard complied.             Alina entered the study to find Cassius at his desk, writing a letter. He stood as she entered.             ‘Why have you sent Liam to the mines?’ she demanded.             ‘Princess Alina,’ he said with a cordial smile.             ‘Answer me,’ she almost shouted. ‘I’m afraid he was found guilty of treason,’ he said innocently. ‘I do not believe that for an instant,’ she said, clenching her jaw. ‘I myself found it shocking, I assur

Chapter Eight

CHAPTER EIGHT After the ball, Alina was in her chamber, changing out of her dress with the help of Cayla. They had removed the corset and Cayla was assisting Alina with her nightgown when there was a knock on the door.             ‘You may answer it,’ Alina said, finishing the buttons of her gown.             Cayla opened the door to find Cassius standing there, looking quite solemn.             ‘Leave us,’ he said to Cayla as he stepped through the door. She glanced at Alina and, after receiving a nod of approval, left the room quickly. ‘Yes, Cassius?’ said Alina, masking her discomfort. ‘Princess, I beg pardon for interrupting you at such a late hour,’ Cassius said, bowing slightly.             ‘What is it?’ she asked, somewhat impatiently.             ‘I have been thinking, Princess, and I feel the time has come to ignore my trepidation and express my true feelings.’             Alina stood silent, waiting for him to continue.             ‘I have known you f

Chapter Seven

CHAPTER SEVEN Alina entered the Royal Chamber where her father lay resting. She walked to the side of the bed and looked down at him, lovingly yet worried. She reached down and gently touched his hand, causing him to stir and open his eyes. Upon seeing Alina, he smiled.             ‘Hello, Papa,’ she said, smiling back.             ‘Alina. How are you, my child?’ he said with some effort.             ‘I am of good health, but troubled,’ she replied.             ‘What troubles you?’ he asked. ‘Perhaps I can help.’             ‘I spoke to Liam,’ she said. ‘He told me of the knight that was sent to the mines today.’             ‘I fear he was found guilty of treason,’ said Andrian. ‘Papa,’ said Alina softly. ‘I knew Trevin, and Liam even better than I. He is not a traitor.’ ‘He received a trial and was found guilty,’ said the king, looking off at the ceiling. ‘But on what grounds, Father? Because he is half elf?’ ‘There were other factors,’ he said firmly. ‘Acco

Chapter Six

CHAPTER SIX The castle dungeons were about as miserable a place as one could imagine. They consisted of a series of tunnels in a confusing pattern, with low ceilings and dark doorways. The constant echoes of dripping water and the damp smell of rock made for an oppressive atmosphere that could weary the strongest of wills.                         In one of the many cells sat Trevin, the young knight convicted of treason. His build was slightly more slender than the other men of Gilderan, and his skin was more fair. He was, in fact, half man and half elf, being the son of a forbidden romance. Now, as he sat on a cot, chained to the wall with his wrists in irons, he whispered quietly with his face tilted upward, his eyes closed. From down the dark hallway he could hear the approaching footsteps of Cassius and two guards.             Arriving at the cell, Cassius ordered the guards to unlock the chain and follow him. He then led the three men down another hallway to a small,